Jodie and Paul's Wedding in Tiburon, California

June 10, 2021  •  Leave a Comment




















First of all, can I be adopted by your family Jodie??  How amazing is it to have two artist parents who met in design school and appreciate beauty?  Her Dad is a contractor as well and their dream house that he designed and Jodie grew up in ended up being the setting for Jodie and Paul's wedding after Covid made them reschedule and reimagine their wedding 3 times!  Originally, it was supposed to be in Ojai, but I have to say I thought it was perfect and meant to be here instead.  Their home in Tiburon is perched on a cliff with amazing views and surrounded by rose gardens.  The inside looks like a MOMA gallery and I think I was inspired just walking around looking at all of the art.  We snuck off to nearby Mill Valley to shoot portraits in the Redwood Grove there surrounded by 2000 year old trees and honestly it couldn't have been a more beautiful day!  Some of my favorite highlights from the wedding was when I got a flat tire and the groomsmen had to rescue my car while we shot hilarious bathtub photos, Paul's mom (who could be a stand up comic in her spare time) gave a hilarious speech basically roasting her son in the most loving way, getting Jodie to climb in a tree for a photo, the AMAZING food spread at dinner!!, and Paul's drunken cocktail napkin drawing trying to explain his very blended and extended family tree at the end of the night:). The whole day felt like an intimate family gathering and I was just another part of the family!  Thanks for taking me into your beautiful home and sharing your special day with me!  Now, can we just HANG OUT in LA?? Love you guys!


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